Australian Innovative Systems Pty Ltd has taken out the AMP Innovation Award with their world first technology for water and wastewater treatment. The company invests heavily in its own research and development and has enormous potential for growth. Telstra Business Group Managing Director and Telstra Business Awards Ambassador, Deena Shiff, said while the finalists from Queensland operate in a diverse range of industries and vastly different scales, many of this year’s finalists are breaking new ground with their world leading innovations and demonstrating Queensland really is the “Smart State”. “As economic conditions get more difficult, the role of these awards couldn’t be more important in highlighting what can be achieved. And the Queensland finalists are tangible proof of what’s possible with innovation and hard work.” From Australian Innovative Systems’ new technologies revolutionising water treatment, to HiFlow Industries’ use of communications technology to overhaul building management, Queensland businesses are showing the rest of Australia how to bring new innovations to market. Established in 1974, Australian Innovative Systems Pty Ltd (AIS) is a manufacturing company specialising in designing and manufacturing products that provide clean water through electrolysis. AIS is committed to the principals of high quality, innovation and value by ensuring customer satisfaction. A strong focus on design innovation and quality has seen AIS win a string of prestigious awards and being selected for The Australian Technology Showcase 2009, a State and Federal Government initiative to promote Australian innovation globally. According to Executive director Elena Gosse, the key strength of the business was maintaining a strong focus on developing innovative and eco-efficient products. She said the company’s success is attributed to an ever-growing demand for new and improved water treatment products. Each category winner will be judged against those from other states in the lead-up to the national Telstra Business Award to be announced in Sydney on August 20. There is more than $400,000 in cash and prizes to be won. Watch video