The commercial chlorinator of choice

Operating in over 55 countries worldwide, AIS Water technology delivers truly unique solutions for safer and more cost effective commercial swimming pool water disinfection.


From fresh to salt water - any size, anywhere

Hotels, Resorts 
& Cruise Ships

Hotels, Resorts
& Cruise Ships

Schools & 

Schools &

Public Pools
 & Theme Parks

Public Pools
& Theme Parks

FINA (Olympic) 
Standard Pools

FINA (Olympic)
Standard Pools

Need a solution for your next commercial project?

for salt water pools

for fresh water pools


Protecting people and the planet

Keeping pool water safe, clean & clear

Improving water
& air quality

Eliminating health
& safety risks

Saving water
& money

Genuine AIS Anodes

Our secret weapon

The key to our superior technical performance is our proprietary anode coating which enables our technology to operate in a wide salinity range and makes the process of producing chlorine significantly more efficient. Genuine AIS Water heavy duty anodes ensures longevity of the electrolytic cell.


Kicking goals on a national and international stage

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Locally designed and manufactured technology on the world stage

Adrian Schrinner

Lord Mayor of Brisbane City Council

Safety is a non-negotiable when it comes to our communities. With the majority of Council’s pools protected by AIS’ technology we can be confident that swimmers can enjoy clean water and our staff can enjoy a safe working environment.


Enquiry Form

To estimate suitable chlorine generator size for your project please submit the information below:

Commercial Enquiry Form

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