AIS Named Among Australia’s Top 50 Small Business Leaders

Leading international water disinfection company, Australian Innovative Systems (AIS), has been named by Inside Small Business as among the nation’s top 50 small business leaders for 2019. AIS Chief Executive Officer Elena Gosse attended a gala event in Melbourne in May where the Top 50 were announced by the small business website and magazine.

Now in its third year, the Inside Business Top 50 Small Business Leaders Report acknowledges the diversity and limitless opportunities of the small business sector.  It recognizes the achievements of pioneers who have often overcome significant hurdles to develop and grow their small enterprises, while serving their communities and the wider Australian populace and economy.

Ms Gosse said she was honoured for AIS to receive such recognition.

This is confirmation for the AIS team regarding the level of innovation and excellence we have achieved in more than 25 years of business, Elena said.

As an industry leader, designer, and manufacturer of water disinfection technology for the commercial and residential pool industries we are so much more than a manufacturing facility.

Our technology enriches life and environments by providing unique solutions for safer water disinfection by  abolishing the outdated traditional methods of water disinfection such as gas, liquid or granular chlorine. Unfortunately, all of these methods require the regular dumping of swimming pool water to correct water chemistry.  

AIS technology is helping to save our world’s most precious resource, water, while ensuring people continue to enjoy the benefits of recreational and competition swimming.

Elena’s business and community efforts reach beyond providing clean water for swimming pools. Recently (May 17, 2019), Ms Gosse competed in the 2019 Brisbane Dancing CEOs event in which she broke the event’s fundraising history by raising over $83,000 for Women’s Legal Service Queensland (WLSQ) and won the Judge’s Choice dancing award. WLSQ provides free legal and social work assistance to women experiencing domestic violence, complex family law and sexual assault matters in Queensland.

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