Elena Gosse finalist in 2014 Lord Mayors Multicultural Awards

1402536064_1Amid a record number of nominations, Australian Innovative Systems (AIS) CEO Elena Gosse was selected as one of only four finalists in the prestigious Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Awards for Business (Business Person of the Year category).

The Business Person of the Year award recognises a Brisbane business leader who successfully exports their products and services throughout Australia, and/or across Asia Pacific or internationally and celebrates the recipient’s contribution to the Brisbane economy as well as their global business outlook.

In a nod to Elena’s Russian heritage, Australian Innovative Systems’ staff and friends supported Elena during the evening by wearing traditional Russian dress.  The AIS table was one of the biggest hits of the night with many members of the multicultural business community stopping by to take photographs.

Elena said, “It was an honour to be chosen as a Business Person of the Year finalist but also an honour to share my culture with Brisbane’s business community.”

More information about 2014 Lord Mayors Multicultural Awards:


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