Elena Gosse wins Industry Advocacy Award, 2018 Women in Industry Awards

AIS CEO has been awarded the Industry Advocacy Award in the national 2018 Women in Industry Awards. The awards recognise individuals who have helped shape a positive view of their industry and/or helped to create policy changes which benefit those working in the sector.  Elena is well known for her innovation and dedication in promoting the role of women in the traditionally male dominated water disinfection industry; for promoting simpler, safer, smarter water disinfection; and, for challenging the status quo when it comes to conventional chlorine dosing for pools. “As a 55-year female CEO I’m now very happy with who I am as a person and a leader. I’ve embraced a leadership style that is based on authenticity, simply by being myself.  “This award will help me to continue making positive changes for our industry, particularly in my new role with the Swimming Pool and Spa Association of Australia (SPASA) Executive Board of Directors.”

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