How does an AIS chlorinator and the process of electrolysis work?

AIS’ range of commercial chlorinators automatically disinfect large bodies of water of almost any composition. The benefits include:

  • A stop to the endless cycle of traditional chemical dosing;
  • An end to the risk, hassle and expense of buying, transporting, storing and manually dosing chlorine[i];
  • An end to the dependence on commercial chlorine suppliers;
  • A complete, automatic process which requires minimal operator attendance and often delivers significant savings on operation and maintenance costs.

In a process known as electrolysis, pool water passes through electrolytic cells which convert the salts and minerals present in the water into chlorine. The chlorine is then distributed directly into the water body keeping it clear and germ and bacteria free.  For more information about AIS’ technology including AIS’ Genuine Anodes ™ and the process of electrolysis click here.

[i] Typically Sodium Hypochlorite or Calcium Hypochlorite

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