AIS with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

On Friday May 27 AIS CEO Elena Gosse had the opportunity to discuss AIS’ innovative technology with none other than the Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull. Accompanied by Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta MP the Prime Minister spoke with local small business owners, employment agency representatives and parents of high schoolers about the Government’s new youth employment program, Jobs PaTH.

Elena enjoyed a lengthy conversation with the PM. She shared her thoughts on the importance of business and government working together to support innovative Australian businesses – particularly in the case of business tenders. Also her ideas about on-the-job training for school leavers and those seeking trade qualifications. Elena explained that AIS’ latest production facility expansion meant that the company had the potential to triple production, and thereby create more jobs, according to market demand.

Ross Vasta, Blake Pearl, Malcolm Turnbull, Elena Gosse, Joanna Lindgren_

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