Australian Innovative Systems (AIS) CEO, Elena Gosse shares insights on innovation and manufacturing at business breakfast

Elena Gosse and Hon Michaelia CashAIS CEO Elena Gosse participated as a panellist at a Brisbane business breakfast this morning (28.9.17) attended by some 70 guests and hosted by the Hon Michaelia Cash (Minister for Employment, Minister for Women, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Public Service and Senator for Western Australia), along with Andrew Laming MP (Federal Member for Bowman).

Elena spoke on a range of topics including how innovation and diversity gives her company’s award-winning water disinfection technology business its competitive global edge, the need for government of all levels to actively support Australian manufacturing, as well as some of the challenges the industry faces.

As part of the program Elena shared how her company’s staff includes people of all ages and abilities and boasts a multicultural workforce from 14 different nationalities.

Elena discussed the need for more government support and red-tape reduction surrounding job creation and upskilling to encourage easier access for manufacturers to skilled, local workers. The need for more weighting toward Australian businesses in major project tenders was also a key theme.

Elena Gosse speaking at business breakfast

The Minister and Mr Laming applauded Elena’s passion and commitment to the future of her industry and agreed on the importance of the government and manufacturing industries working closely together.

Elena was joined by fellow expert panellists, Jacinda Euler (Principal, Brisbane Girls Grammar School), Murray Proctor (Partner, ClarkeKann Lawyers), Kelly Heaton (Associate Director, Financial Advisory, Deloitte) Cr Peter Matic (Councillor for Paddington, Brisbane City Council), Mark Berlese (Chief Operating Officer, Sarina Russo) and Wade Mellish (Group Executive Director, Harridan Holmwood Highgate).





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