Scarborough Beach pool
Scarborough WA Australia
AIS Technology
AutoChlor® SRC-2500 & SRC-625

August 2017

Water type
Salt Water

Pool surface
2600m3 (2 pools)

Public Pool
Located on the promenade at Scarborough Beach this world-class recreation facility features a combined 50m and 25m lap pool, and a leisure pool, both geothermally heated.
Scarborough made history as the first aquatic facility to adopt inline chlorination via electrolysis at a large scale commercial project in WA, where AutoChlor® salt-water chlorine generators will ensure water is disinfected within state health guidelines.

Scarborough Beach Pool, Scarborough WA Australia
Why choose AIS Water?
For over 25 years we have
provided total peace of mind

Designed and manufactured in Australia
AIS Water is a global leader in our field as well as winning countless international and national awards.
We have been in the business of safer water disinfection for over 25 years, in fact, that’s all that we do.